Fall Prevention Tips
The first day of Fall this year, September 22nd, marks Falls Prevention Awareness Day. This special day, sponsored by the National Council on Aging (NCA), is an opportunity for everyone to consider how to make your environment as safe as possible for you and your loved ones. According to the NCA, every 11 seconds an […]
Three Ways to Relieve Your Stress
We all have stress, from work demands to our home lives, we are all managing some degree of pressure. Chronic stress can greatly affect your health and your happiness and though we can all recite the common fixes like meditation, exercise or taking a vacation, having some practical, go to strategies can help to create […]
The Inconvenient Truth About Convenience Food
Medical research has recently linked ultra-processed convenience foods with premature death. The findings, published on line in JAMA Internal Medicine and reported by Medscape state that: “Ultraprocessed foods include mass-produced, ready-to-eat foods such as packaged snacks, sugary drinks, breads, candies, ready-made meals and processed meats. Such foods usually contain “empty calories” and have a high […]
American Heart Month
The month of February marks American Heart Month. The U.S. government encourages programs and events that educate people about heart health and give them the information they need to make heart-healthy choices in their everyday lives. Anew Home Care is excited to do our part by sharing ways you can implement some lifestyle changes that […]